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  • Lavrenty Beria- 1953, Transcript of the July plenum of the Central Committee of the CPSU and other documents.
     Download from Academia Eduhttps://www.academia.edu/125701984/Beria_Case_Transcripts_of_the_Plenum_of_the_CPSU_CC_1953or from MarxistLeninists org websitehttps://marxistleninists.org/Soviet%20Archives/Beria%20Case/Beria%20Case%20Plenum.pdfThis is a draft version of the various sections of the Plenum from the Russian Archives translated by and...

    Disinformation and deception techniques. Myths of Bourgeois journalismOriginal Referenced books selected for the articles are Edited by Professor Y. N. ZasurskyPDF download , Read- download on archive org Google BooksJOURNALISM IN BOURGEOIS SOCIETYIntroduction, Professor N. Zasursky     P6CAPITAL AND...

  • Private Capital in the USSR -1927
    Private Capital in the USSR -1927State publishing houseTranslated from the Original- no omissionsDownload PDF Full Book(A unique book, recommended at one time by I.V. Stalin, which shows the dialectic of the NEP, how in practice the socialist way of economy destroyed the economically private-proprietary, capitalist way. In the post-Stalin...

  • A Reading Guide For the Most Confused Subjects of Marxism Leninism
     PDF DownloadIntroductions and Extensive List of Articles related to each subjectThis book is the summary of sixteen books and made up of introductions and a list of related articles. It is basically a reference to the books with entire related articles in them. Notes and articles for some subjects categorized based on the years due to...

  • Imperialist War and the Bolsheviks
    PDF DownloadArticles related to the First World War is based on the Russian originals written in the book “Imperialist wars and Bolsheviks” Yakelova dated 1924, and “Anniversary of World War”, by Ohitovich  dated 1925.Any existing translation of articles has been compared with the new translation and revised if and when it was deemed...

  • BLOOD LIES -Index
    Introduction: What is Bloodlands and Why Do We Need to Expose It?I. The Man-Made" Famine and "Deliberate Famine" Arguments in Bloodlands, Chapter 1II. The Famine of 1932-33 "Deliberate"? Snyder's "Seven Points" of ProofIII. Snyder, Chapter 1 - AppendixIV. Bloodlands Chapter Two: Snyder's Claim of the Soviets' "Class Terror"...

  • History of World War II 1939–1945 The origin of war. The struggle of progressive forces for the preservation of peace
    Selected Articles from the History of World War II 1939–1945 in 12 volumes.PDF DownloadMilitary publishing house, Volume 1. The origin of war. Translated sections by Svitlana M. for ML Discussion Group to study for the analysis of the war in Ukraine. Unedited. The struggle of progressive forces for the preservation of...

  • Basic Economic Law of Monopoly Capitalism - Transition to Imperialism
    Ostrovityanov K.V. Shepilov D.T. Leontiev L.A. , Laptev I.D. Kuzminov I.I. Gatovsky L.MState publishing house of political literature. Moscow. 1954PDF DownloadContentsIntroductionTransition to imperialism- P17Concentration of production and monopoly- P21 Concentration and monopolies in banking– P27Financial capital and financial oligarchy-...

  • Fight for the Pacific
    V.Y. AvarinDownload PDFWhile working on this book, the author tried to consider as much as possible the critical remarks that were made in the press and during the discussion at the Academy of Social Sciences about his other book - "The Struggle for the Pacific Ocean (Japanese-American contradictions)".IntroductionPART ONE. The aggression of...

  • The development of the Soviet economy
    PDF Download Volume 1Volume 2State socio-economic publishing house Moscow 1940This work gives a picture of the development of the Soviet economy in accordance with Stalin's periodization of the history of the CPSU(b). It is a manual for teachers of political economy, Marxism-Leninism, the history of the national economy of the USSR, for...

  • Socialist Mode of Production
    Translated From the Political Economy TextbookState publishing house of political literature. Moscow. 1954PDF Download(Some sections will be posted on the blog as HTML and links will be given)ContentsForwardIntroduction – P6Socialist Industrialization -P17Large-scale industry is the material basis of socialism.Essence of socialist...

  • Law of Value- Pricing in the national economy of the USSR
    PDF DownloadState publishing house of political literature. Moscow, 1953Maisenberg L.ContentsIntroductionPrice in a socialist societyCommercial Production and Commodity Circulation in the USSRValue, Forms of Value, and the Law of Value under socialismPrices in the Socialist EconomySoviet Price PolicyThe Structure and Basic Elements of Price in...

  • Cognizability of the world and its patterns
    K. Y. AndreevPublishing House, Knowledge. Moscow. 1953PDF Download IndexIntroduction -P4The fundamental opposite of materialism and idealism in resolving the question of the cognizability of the world- P11Dialectical materialism about the process of cognition. The initial stage of knowledge -P22Abstract thinking is the...

  • Materialism and the Dialectical Method Book- Maurice Cornforth
     Maurice Cornforthhttps://www.redstarpublishers.org/cornforth1953.pdf 1953 reprinted1952- Volume 11953 V1 & 21954 Historical MaterialismPDFIn Russian Original 1956 PrintScience Versus IdealismTheory of Knowledge ----  another Science vs IdealismIn defense of PhilosophyHistorical MaterialismMaterialism and...

  • New Evidence of Trotsky's Conspiracy - Grover Furr
    Extracts from the introduction section of the book that analyzes new evidence of Leon Trotsky’s conspiracies with Nazi Germany, and with his followers in the USSR during the 1930s. EAhttps://www.amazon.com/dp/0578649764New Evidence of Trotsky's ConspiracyGrover FurrIntroductionThis book is a study of Soviet-era documents, recently...

  • Contemporary Trotskyism: Its Anti-Revolutionary Nature
    PDF or Read onlineBASMANOVIntroductionThe second half of the twentieth century will be known in history as a period of the most profound revolutionary change. The emergence of a world socialist system, which has become the chief revolutionary force of our epoch, the fall of colonial empires and the appearance of dozens of independent countries in...

  • The Great Conspiracy. The Secret War Against Soviet Russia
     PDF or Read online by M. Sayers, A. E. KahnNone of the incidents or dialogue in The Great Conspiracy has been invented by the authors. The material has been drawn from various documentary sources which are indicated in the text or listed in the Bibliographical Notes. PDF -   PDF YANDEX        ...

  • The bolsheviks in the tsarist Duma
     PDF or Read onlineA. Badayev(1929)A Remarkable BookThe author of this book is a former working man, a metal worker, a fighter in the old Bolshevik Guard. In 1912 he was elected by the Leningrad, then St. Petersburg, workers to the State Duma. He has written a book which in his extreme modesty he calls Reminiscences. Actually this book is a...

  • Counter-Revolution in Disguise
    M. J. OLGINDownload PDFIntroductoryA GREAT leader died. On December 1, 1934, Sergei Kirov, a member of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, was waylaid in Leningrad and shot dead. On December 21 the Soviet Government announced that the assassin, Nikolaiev, was a member of the so-called “Leningrad Center” of...

  • Marx-Engels-Lenin-on-Historical-Materialism
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