Imperialist War and the Bolsheviks
Articles related to the First World War is based on the Russian originals written in the book “Imperialist wars and Bolsheviks” Yakelova dated 1924, and “Anniversary of World War”, by Ohitovich dated 1925.
Any existing translation of articles has been compared with the new translation and revised if and when it was deemed necessary.
Book has documents and articles in two sections, 1st WW and 2nd WW. Both wars were imperialist but with distinctive characteristics of each. That is why it is important to read and understand the attitude differences in each war.
As always, this book has no copyrights, shared free for interested readers.
It is a compilation of articles we researched, translated, read, and found important for others to read.
Introduction P-5
Extract from the introduction of Yakelova -P9
From “Lenin as a Marxist, Bukharin
On Zimmerwald, The journal Kommunist
Economic Causes and Consequences of the World War, E. Varga.
The Attitude of The Russian Social Democratic Labor Party towards the war
Lecture on “The proletariat and the War”, Lenin
Resolution adopted at the Seventh International Socialist Congress at Stuttgart
Manifesto of the International Socialist Congress at Basel
Manifesto of Central Committee. ("Theses on War")
Reply of the Central Committee to Vandervelde
Greeting of the representative of the Central Committee at the Swedish S.-D. Congress.
Declaration of the Central Committee of R. S.-D. R.P. presented to the London Conference
Proposals Submitted by the CC of the R.S.D.L.P. to the 2nd Socialist Conference, Maximovich
The Position and Tasksof the Socialist International, Lenin
International and the "defence of the fatherland", Lenin
On the split with the opportunists, Lenin
Several Theses, Lenin
Zimmerwald Left, Draft manifesto submitted to the conference
World War and the Tasks of Social Democracy, Draft resolution introduced by the left Zimmerwald
Manifesto of the International Socialist Conference in Zimmerwald
Two statements at Zimmerwald conference
Draft resolution submitted by the Zimmerwald Left at the conference in Kienthal
The Kienthal Manifesto
Statement delivered at the Kienthal Conference
The collapse of Zimmerwald International
Conferences, meetings about the attitude towards the war
Okhrana on the First Bern Conference
Resolutions of the conference of foreign sections of R. S.D. R.P.
Moscow Committee, Russian S.-D. labor party
Tver group in Moscow
Presnenskaya group in Moscow
A group of organized Social-Democrats in Moscow
Moscow Group of S.-D
Saratov organization, Price of War
Baltic region, Chronicle of the Social Democrat
Kronstadt S.D
Ural S.D. about the war and the tasks of the Social-Democrats
Party press attitude to the war
Decade of the World War, Results of the war; prospects for new wars.
The International Socialist Congress in Stuttgart (Proletary)
The main work of German opportunism on the war, Lenin.
British Pacifism and the British Dislike of Theory, Lenin.
Lenin, Bellicose(aggressive) Militarism and the Anti-Militarist Tactics of Social-Democracy
Report On Foreign Policy, Lenin
A shame that nothingcan atone for, Clara Zetkin.
After WW 1
On the international situation and foreign policy of the USSR, Molotov
A Warmongers 'International, Otto Kuusinen
The War Danger at the Present Time, O.W. Kuusinen
Interview with a "Pravda" Correspondent, Stalin
The Question of Peace and Security, Stalin
When is War Not Inevitable? Stalin
Notes on Contemporary Topics, Stalin
Interview Between J. Stalin and Roy Howard
Report on the Work of the Central Committee to the Eighteenth Congress of the C.P.S.U.(B.), Stalin
Answers to Associated Press Moscow Correspondent’s Questions, Stalin
The Allied Campaign in Africa Answers to Associated Press Moscow Correspondent, Stalin
On the Allied Landing in Northern France, Stalin
Stalin's address to the people
Interview to “Pravda” Correspondent Concerning Mr. Winston Churchill’s Speech at Fulton, Stalin
Concerning the Situation in Japan, Stalin
Economic Problems of the USSR, Stalin