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Marx Engels Works

A Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy 
Theories of Surplus-Value  () 
Theories of Surplus-Value  () 
Theories of Surplus-Value  () 

Capital, Vol. 1 


Writings of Marx & Engels:

Marx-Engels Collected Works, (Moscow/London/New York), 50 volumes. These volumes are available at various places on the Internet, including The Left Side of the Road website at: https://michaelharrison.org.uk/2020/09/karl-marx-and-frederick-engels-collected-works/
    [Book:] Marx-Engels: Selected Works in One Volume, (Moscow: Progress, 7th printing 1986), very large book, 788 pages.   Searchable PDF format   [37,315 KB]
      [Books:] Marx-Engels: Selected Works in Three Volumes, (Moscow: Progress, 2nd printing 1973), large books.
      Volume 1: Searchable PDF format   [596 pages: 30,481 KB]

      Volume 2: Searchable PDF format   [502 pages: 25,652 KB]

      Volume 3: Searchable PDF format   [577 pages: 28,830 KB]

      [Book:] Capital, Vol. 1, by Karl Marx. This is the original English edition translated by Moore and Aveling and edited by Engels.   Searchable PDF format   [549 pages: 3,385 KB];   Epub format   [1,469 pages: 1,080 KB]
        [Book:] Capital, Vol. 2, by Karl Marx. Original English language edition.   Searchable PDF format   [319 pages: 2,361 KB];   Epub format   [871 pages: 495 KB]
          [Book:] Capital, Vol. 3, by Karl Marx. Original English language edition.   Searchable PDF format   [645 pages: 3,732 KB];   Epub format   [1,548 pages: 861 KB]
            [Books:] Theories of Surplus Value, [Volume IV of Capital], by Karl Marx, in three volumes, (Moscow: Progress, 1968-1971), Marx to Mao Digital Reprints.
            Volume 1: Searchable PDF format   [518 pages: 3,472 KB]

            Volume 2: Searchable PDF format   [678 pages: 3,092 KB]

            Volume 3: Searchable PDF format   [648 pages: 3,166 KB]

            Complete in Epub format   [1,548 pages: 861 KB]

            [Books:] Grundrisse: Foundations of the Critique of Political Economy (Rough Draft), by Karl Marx, written in 1857-1861, English translation by Martin Nicolaus, Marxist Internet Archive edition, 862 pages.   Searchable PDF format   [3,959 KB]
              [Books:] Pre-Capitalist Economic Formations, by Karl Marx, mostly being a section of the Grundrisse, circa 1857-1858 (as translated by Jack Cohen) and also of few letters by Marx, (NY: International, 1965), 158 pages.   Searchable PDF format   [13,343 KB]
                “Wage-Labour and Capital”, lecture by Marx, 1847, as edited by Engels in 1891.   Searchable PDF format   [25 pages: 222 KB];   Epub format   [70 pages: 95 KB]
                  “Value, Price and Profit”, lecture by Marx, 1865, MIA edition.   Searchable PDF format   [32 pages: 516 KB];   Epub format   [99 pages: 111 KB]
                    [Book:] Marx-Engels Correspondence, from the Marxist Internet Archive, 608 pages.   Searchable PDF format   [2,645 KB]

                    [Book:] Marx-Engels: Selected Letters, (Peking: FLP, 1977), 148 pages.   Searchable PDF format   [4,151 KB]

                    Another Site

                    Karl Marx and Frederick Engels Collected Works

                    Available below is the most comprehensive collection of the writings of Karl Marx and Frederick Engels in the English language.

                    Volume 1 – Marx 1835-1843

                    Contains the very early articles and letters of Marx between 1835 and 1843.

                    Volume 2 – Engels 1838-1842

                    Contains works and letters by Engels for the period 1838-1842.

                    Volume 3 – Marx and Engels 1843-1844

                    Covers the period between the spring of 1843 and August 1844.

                    Volume 4 – Marx and Engels 1844-1845

                    Includes The Holy Family by Marx and Engels and The Condition of the Working Class 1844 by Engels.

                    Volume 5 – Marx and Engels 1845-1847

                    Contains The German Ideology by Marx and Engels and the Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58.

                    Volume 6 – Marx and Engels 1845-1848

                    Contains works written on the eve of the revolutions of 1848-49 in Europe including Marx’s Poverty of Philosophy and the Manifesto of the Communist Party.

                    Volume 7 – Marx and Engels 1848

                    Contains the works Marx and Engels written between March and November 1848.

                    Volume 8 – Marx and Engels 1848-1849

                    Contains the writings of Marx and Engels from November 8, 1848 to March 5, 1849. 

                    Volume 9 – Marx and Engels 1849

                    Containing the writings of Marx and Engels during the revolutions of 1848-49.

                    Volume 10 – Marx and Engels 1849-1851

                    Covers the period between the autumn of 1849 and the summer of 1851 and includes The Class Struggles in France, 1848 to 1850 by Marx and The Peasant War in Germany by Engels.

                    Volume 11 – Marx and Engels 1851-1853

                    Contains the works of Marx and Engels from August 1851 to March 1853 including The Eighteenth Brumaire of Louis Bonaparte by Marx and Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Germany by Engels.

                    Volume 12 – Marx and Engels 1853-1854

                    Contains articles and reports, written between March 1853 and February 1854, published in New York Daily Tribune, The People’s Paper and other newspapers.

                    Volume 13 – Marx and Engels 1854-1855

                    Contains articles written by Marx and Engels between February 1854 and February 1855.

                    Volume 14 – Marx and Engels 1855-1856

                    Contains articles and reports written by Marx and Engels between February 1855 and April 1856 and published in the New York Daily Tribune, the Neue Oder-Zeitung and other European and American newspapers.

                    Volume 15 – Marx and Engels 1856-1858

                    Contains the works of Marx and Engels written between May 1856 and September 1858.

                    Volume 16 – Marx and Engels 1858-1860

                    Contains the works of Marx and Engels from August 1858 to February 1860.

                    Volume 17 – Marx and Engels 1859-1860

                    Covers the period from October 1859 to December 1860.

                    Volume 18 – Marx and Engels 1857-1862

                    Contains articles written by Marx and Engels for The New American Cyclopaedia between July 1857 and November 1860.

                    Volume 19 – Marx and Engels 1861-1864

                    Contains articles and documents written by Marx and Engels between January 1861 and June 1864.

                    Volume 20 – Marx and Engels 1864-1868

                    Contains documents, reports, pamphlets, articles, statements and records of speeches from the foundation and early years of the International Working Men’s Association.

                    Volume 21 – Marx and Engels 1867-1870

                    Contains works by Marx and Engels written between November 1867 and July 1870 including material from the International Working Men’s Association – documents, reports, pamphlets, articles, statements, records of speeches.

                    Volume 22 – Marx and Engels 1870-1871

                    Contains works and articles by Marx and Engels written between July 1870 and October 1871. Includes The Civil War in France, Marx’s analysis of the events surrounding the Paris Commune.

                    Volume 23 – Marx and Engels 1871-1874

                    Contains pamphlets, articles, documents of the International Working Men’s Association and other works by Marx and Engels written between October 1871 and July 1874, including the important Preface to the German edition of the Communist Manifesto (1872).

                    Volume 24 – Marx and Engels 1874-1883

                    Contains works of Marx and Engels from May 1874 to May 1883 including Critique of the Gotha Programme.

                    Volume 25 – Engels

                    Contains Anti- Duhring and Dialectics of Nature

                    Volume 26 – Engels 1882-1889

                    Contains works by Engels written between August 1882 and December 1889.  They include The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State, Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy and the unfinished work The Role of Force in History.

                    Volume 27 – Engels 1890-1895

                    Contains the writings of Engels from the beginning of 1890 up to his death in 1895.

                    Volume 28 – Marx 1857-1861

                    Contains Marx’s Economic Manuscripts of 1857-58 (the first rough draft of Capital)

                    Volume 29 – Marx 1857-1861

                    Contains the continuation of Outlines of the Critique of Political Economy, A contribution to the Critique of Political Economy: Part One.

                    Volume 30 – Marx 1861-1863

                    Contains the beginning of the Economic Manuscripts of 1861-63, Transformations of Money into Capital, Absolute Surplus Value and the beginnings of Theories of Surplus Value.

                    Volume 31 – Marx 1861-1863

                    Contains the continuation of Marx’s Economic Manuscript of 1861-63, Theories of Surplus Value.

                    Volume 32 – Marx 1861-1863

                    Contains the continuation of Marx’s Economic Manuscript of 1861-63, Theories of Surplus Value.

                    Volume 33 – Marx 1861-1863

                    Contains the continuation of Marx’s Economic Manuscript of 1861-63.

                    Volume 34 – Marx 1861-1863

                    Contains the conclusion of the Economic Manuscript of 1861-63, Chapter Six. Results of the Direct Production Process,

                    Volume 35 – Marx

                    Capital, Volume 1.

                    Volume 36 – Marx

                    Capital, Volume 2.

                    Volume 37 – Marx

                    Capital, Volume 3.

                    Volume 38 – Marx and Engels 1844-1851

                    Contains letters from October 1844 to December 1851.

                    Volume 39 – Marx and Engels 1852-1855

                    Contains the letters of Marx and Engels to each other and third parties from 1852 to 1855.

                    Volume 40 – Marx and Engels 1856-1859

                    Contains the letters of Marx and Engels from 1856 to 1859.

                    Volume 41 – Marx and Engels 1860-1864

                    Contains letters of Marx and Engels from January 1860 to September 1864.

                    Volume 42 – Marx and Engels 1864-1868

                    Contains the letters of Marx and Engels to each other and third parties from October 1864 to March 1868.

                    Volume 43 – Marx and Engels 1868-1870

                    Contains letters of Marx and Engels to each other and to third parties from April 1868 to July 1870.

                    Volume 44 – Marx and Engels 1870-1873

                    Contains the letters of Marx and Engels from July 1870 to December 1873.

                    Volume 45 – Marx and Engels 1874-1879

                    Contains letters of Marx and Engels to each other and to third parties from January 1874 to December 1879.

                    Volume 46 – Marx and Engels 1880-1883

                    Contains the letters of Marx and Engels to each other and others from January 1880 to March 1883

                    Volume 47 – Engels – 1883-1889

                    Contains Engels’ letters from April 1883 to December 1886.

                    Volume 48 – Engels 1887-1890

                    Contains Engels’ letters from January 1887 to July 1890.

                    Volume 49 – Engels 1890-1892

                    Contains Engels’ letters from August 1890 to September 1892 especially those involved with the formation of the Second International.

                    Volume 50 – Engels 1892-1895

                    Contains the last of Frederick Engels’ letters from October 1892 to July 1895.

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